African American Heritage Museum of Southern New Jersey

Atlantic City and Newtonville Museum sites.


Our Atlantic City and Newtonville locations are home to unique permanent collections that focus on generations of African American history. Our limited-time showings feature rarely-seen work by local artists.


Museum Locations

Atlantic City Location
2200 Fairmount Avenue
Atlantic City, NJ 08401

P: (609) 350-6662
C: (609) 892-0439

Wednesday – Saturday
11:00AM – 6:00PM

11:00AM – 5:00PM

Newtonville Location
661 Jackson Road
Newtonville, NJ 08346

P: (609) 704-5495
C: (609) 892-0439

Monday-Friday 10 AM – 4:30 PM
Saturday/Sunday by Appointment


The African American Heritage Museum of Southern New Jersey (AAHMSNJ) was founded by Ralph E. Hunter, Sr., and supported by a coalition of area businesses, education professionals, collectors and community residents.  The museum  sprung from a dream.

Over thirty years ago, Mr. Hunter began a personal collection of African American cultural, artistic and media images that inspired the creation of the museum. It started with a discovery in a North Carolina antique shop. Tucked away in the back was an original edition of “Little Black Sambo” by Helen Bannerman. “I bought it to take it off the market,” Mr. Hunter says. But instead of hiding it, his goal became just the opposite.  He dreamed of displaying it in an effort to preserve history, and the book transformed the treasures he had collected into the first exhibit.

After more than three decades of acquiring pieces, the collection now numbers in the thousands, and Mr. Hunter is committed to sharing it with school students, families and others interested in the honest depiction of the African American experience.

In addition, Hunter has created two unique venues for local African American artists to showcase their work and gain the recognition they deserve.

Furniture and Fixtures of Early African American Life

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